
Loss Run

A report of all losses within a set of documents corresponding to a given insured party. means Groundspeed derived when data not present in source document, means field is sourced from a 3rd party provider and is only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Attributes for the latest version are below.


Loss Summary array

A summary of records grouped by policy year with loss detail financials summed.

Account Name string

Customer provided name on the account, derived from the zip file ingested (or email subject) containing all the relevant files.

Line Type string

Normalized Line Type. Predicted by Groundspeed if no raw value present on source document.

Subcoverage string

The specific coverage or type of claim within a line of business for a claim. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

Policy Year string

The year that the policy starts, extracted from Effective Date.

Carrier string

Name of the carrier paying out the loss. The NAIC group name if available, otherwise the NAIC carrier individual name.

Total Number of Claims integer

The number of claims during the summary period.

Gross Loss Paid float 

The sum of money paid on a claim other than expenses.

Gross Loss Reserves float 

The sum of money paid on a claim other than expenses.

Gross Loss Incurred float 

The sum of money paid on a claim other than expenses.

Expense Paid float 

The sum of expenses paid on a claim.

Expense Reserves float 

The sum of money set aside for expenses on a claim.

Expense Incurred float 

The sum of expenses incurred on a claim.

Total Paid float 

The sum of all amounts paid on a claim.

Total Reserves float 

Total reserves set for claim.

Net Total Incurred float 

The sum of all amounts paid and reserved on a claim net of recoveries.

Recoveries float 

The sum of all money recovered on a claim.

Recoveries float 

The sum of all money recovered on a claim.

Gross Total Incurred float

The sum of all money incurred on a claim.

Loss Detail array

The data contained in loss run file.

Account Name string

Customer provided name on the account, derived from the zip file ingested containing all the relevant files.

Line of Business Raw string

Line of business present on source document.

Line of Business string

Normalized LOB. Predicted by Groundspeed if no raw value present on source document.

is Line of Business Predicted boolean

Whether or not the line of business was derived by Groundspeed models or explicitly captured in source documents.

Line Type string

Normalized Line Type. Predicted by Groundspeed if no raw value present on source document.

is Line Type Predicted boolean

Whether or not the line type was derived by Groundspeed models or explicitly captured in source documents.

Subcoverage string

The specific coverage or type of claim within a line of business for a claim. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

Policy Year integer

The year that the policy starts, extracted from Effective Date.

Effective Date string

Effective date of the policy which covers the loss.

Expiration Date string

Expiration date of the policy which covers the loss.

Carrier string

Name of the carrier paying out the loss. The NAIC group name if available, otherwise the NAIC carrier individual name.

Insured Name string

The entity, company, or individual covered by a policy. This is the value present in the source document.

Policy Number string

Carrier Policy Reference Number. Groundspeed cleans the value in the source document by removing non-alphanumeric characters.

Valuation Date string

A cut-off date up to which a loss run includes all claim payments and changes in reserves. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

Claim Number string

The unique identifier the insurance company uses to reference the claim. Groundspeed cleans the value in the document to remove non-alphanumeric characters.

Date of Loss string

When the event that triggered the loss occurred. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

Date Reported string

When the loss was reported to the carrier. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

Status string

The status of the claim. Generally open or closed.

Close Date string

If closed, when the claim was closed. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

Claimant Name string

The name of the person injured or person making the claim. The value present in the source document.

Loss Type string

A sub-classification under a coverage type. Groundspeed presents the raw value in the source document.

Nature of Injury string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Nature of Injury Raw string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

Body Part string

Injured body part on a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Body Part Raw string

Injured body part on a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

Cause string

Cause on a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Cause Raw string

Cause on a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

Catalyst string

Catalyst on a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Catalyst Raw string

Catalyst on a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

Occupation string

Occupation on a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Occupation Raw string

Occupation on a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

At Fault string

A flag indicating whether the insured is responsible for the auto loss. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

Loss State string

The state where the incident giving rise to the claim occurred. Groundspeed will clean the value in the source to the appropriate abbreviation and will also predict the state from other fields.

Loss Location string

Address of the location associated to the claim. Groundspeed presents the raw source document value.

Loss Description string

The detailed description of the incident. Groundspeed presents the raw source document value.

Indemnity Paid float

The indemnity payments made on a claim.

Indemnity Reserves float

The reserves set aside to make indemnity payments for a claim.

Indemnity Incurred float

The indemnity incurred value of a claim.

PD Paid float

The PD paid value of a claim.

PD Reserves float

The PD Reserves value of a claim.

PD Incurred float

The PD Incurred value of a claim.

Medical Paid float

The medical payments made on a claim.

Medical Reserves float

The reserves set aside to make medical payments for a claim.

Medical Incurred float

The medical incurred value of a claim.

BI Paid float

The BI paid value of a claim.

BI Reserves float

The BI Reserves value of a claim.

BI Incurred float

The BI Incurred value of a claim.

Expense Paid float 
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

•Total Paid – Gross Loss Paid

The sum of expenses paid on a claim.

Expense Reserves float 
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

•Total Reserves – Gross Loss Reserves

The sum of money set aside for expenses on a claim.

Expense Incurred float 
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

•Gross Total Incurred – Gross Loss Incurred

The sum of expenses incurred on a claim.

Deductible float

The deductible amount applied to a claim.

Subrogation float

The subrogation recovery amount applied to a claim.

Salvage float

The salvage recovery amount applied to a claim.

Recoveries float 
• Salvage
• Indemnity Recovered
• Medical Recovered
• Property Damage Recovered
• Bodily Injury Recovered
• Collision Recovered
• Comprehensive Recovered
• Vocational Rehab Recovered
• Temporary Disability Recovered
• Permanent Disability Recovered
• Expense Recovered
• Legal Recovered
• Other Expense Recovered
• Recovery Reserves

Calulation: • Gross Total Incurred – Net Total Incurred

The sum of all money recovered on a claim.

Gross Loss Paid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid

Calulation: • Gross Total Paid – Expense Paid

The sum of money paid on a claim other than expenses.

Gross Loss Reserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves

• Total Reserves – Expense Reserves

The sum of money set aside for a claim other than expenses.

Gross Loss Incurred float
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Expense Incurred

The sum of all losses incurred on a claim.

Gross Total Incurred float
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

• Net Total Incurred + Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim.

Total Paid float
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Reserves

The sum of all amounts paid on a claim.

Total Reserves float
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Paid

Total reserves set for claim.

Net Loss Paid float
• Net Indemnity Paid
• Net Medical Paid
• Net Property Damage Paid
• Net Bodily Injury Paid
• Net Collision Paid
• Net Comprehensive Paid
• Net Vocational Rehab Paid
• Net Temporary Disability Paid
• Net Permanent Disability Paid

• Gross Loss Paid – Recoveries

The sum of all loss dollars paid on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

Net Loss Incurred float
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Loss Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all loss dollars incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

Net Total Incurred float
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred
• Net Expense Incurred
• Net Legal Incurred
• Net Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

is Net Null boolean

Indicates whether or not the net financials calculated or present.

is Summary Record boolean

Indicates whether or not the associated data is part of a summary record captured from a source document.

Summary Claim Count integer

The number of claims counted within a given summary record, null if not a summary record.

GS Occurence ID string

A unique Groundspeed identifier to link claims/losses that pertain to the same occurrence or loss event.

Filename string

The name of the source file with the associated data.

FileID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the file with the associated data.

RecordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

Large Losses array

Large losses are losses of at least $25,000.

Account Name string

Customer provided name on the account, derived from the zip file ingested containing all the relevant files.

Line of Business Raw string

Line of business present on source document.

is Line of Business Predicted boolean

Whether or not the line of business was derived by Groundspeed models or explicitly captured in source documents.

Line Type string

Normalized Line Type. Predicted by Groundspeed if no raw value present on source document.

is Line Type Predicted boolean

Whether or not the line type was derived by Groundspeed models or explicitly captured in source documents.

Subcoverage string

The specific coverage or type of claim within a line of business for a claim. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

Policy Year integer

The year that the policy starts, extracted from Effective Date.

Effective Date string

Effective date of the policy which covers the loss.

Expiration Date string

Expiration date of the policy which covers the loss.

Carrier string

Name of the carrier paying out the loss. The NAIC group name if available, otherwise the NAIC carrier individual name.

Insured Name string

The entity, company, or individual covered by a policy. This is the value present in the source document.

Policy Number string

Carrier Policy Reference Number. Groundspeed cleans the value in the source document by removing non-alphanumeric characters.

Valuation Date string

A cut-off date up to which a loss run includes all claim payments and changes in reserves. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

Claim Number string

The unique identifier the insurance company uses to reference the claim. Groundspeed cleans the value in the document to remove non-alphanumeric characters.

Date of Loss string

When the event that triggered the loss occurred. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

Date Reported string

When the loss was reported to the carrier. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

Status string

The status of the claim. Generally open or closed.

Close Date string

If closed, when the claim was closed. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

Claimant Name string

The name of the person injured or person making the claim. The value present in the source document.

Loss Type string

A sub-classification under a coverage type. Groundspeed presents the raw value in the source document.

Nature of Injury string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Nature of Injury Raw string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

Body Part string

Injured body part on a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Body Part Raw string

Injured body part on a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

Cause string

Cause on a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Cause Raw string

Cause on a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

Catalyst string

Catalyst on a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Catalyst Raw string

Catalyst on a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

Occupation string

Occupation on a workers’ compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

Occupation Raw string

Occupation on a workers’ compensation loss, from source document.

At Fault string

A flag indicating whether the insured is responsible for the auto loss. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

Loss State string

The state where the incident giving rise to the claim occurred. Groundspeed will clean the value in the source to the appropriate abbreviation and will also predict the state from other fields

Loss Location string

Address of the location associated to the claim. Groundspeed presents the raw source document value.

Loss Description string

The detailed description of the incident. Groundspeed presents the raw source document value.

Indemnity Paid float

The indemnity payments made on a claim.

Indemnity Reserves float

The reserves set aside to make indemnity payments for a claim.

Indemnity Incurred float

The indemnity incurred value of a claim.

PD Paid float

The PD paid value of a claim.

PD Reserves float

The PD Reserves value of a claim.

PD Incurred float

The PD Incurred value of a claim.

Medical Paid float

The medical payments made on a claim.

Medical Reserves float

The reserves set aside to make medical payments for a claim.

Medical Incurred float

The medical incurred value of a claim.

BI Paid float

The BI paid value of a claim.

BI Reserves float

The BI Reserves value of a claim.

BI Incurred float

The BI Incurred value of a claim.

Expense Paid float 
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

•Total Paid – Gross Loss Paid

The sum of expenses paid on a claim.

Expense Reserves float 
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Total Reserves – Gross Loss Reserves

The sum of money set aside for expenses on a claim.

Expense Incurred float 
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Gross Loss Incurred

The sum of expenses incurred on a claim.

Deductible float

The deductible amount applied to a claim.

Subrogation float

The subrogation recovery amount applied to a claim.

Salvage float

The salvage recovery amount applied to a claim.

Recoveries float 
• Salvage
• Indemnity Recovered
• Medical Recovered
• Property Damage Recovered
• Bodily Injury Recovered
• Collision Recovered
• Comprehensive Recovered
• Vocational Rehab Recovered
• Temporary Disability Recovered
• Permanent Disability Recovered
• Expense Recovered
• Legal Recovered
• Other Expense Recovered
• Recovery Reserves

• Gross Total Incurred – Net Total Incurred

The sum of all money recovered on a claim.

Gross Loss Paid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid

• Gross Total Paid – Expense Paid

The sum of money paid on a claim other than expenses.

Gross Loss Reserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves

• Total Reserves – Expense Reserves

The sum of money set aside for a claim other than expenses.

Gross Loss Incurred float 
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Expense Incurred

The sum of all losses incurred on a claim.

Gross Total Incurred float 
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

• Net Total Incurred + Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim.

Total Paid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Reserves

The sum of all amounts paid on a claim.

Total Reserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Paid

Total reserves set for claim.

Net Loss Paid float 
• Net Indemnity Paid
• Net Medical Paid
• Net Property Damage Paid
• Net Bodily Injury Paid
• Net Collision Paid
• Net Comprehensive Paid
• Net Vocational Rehab Paid
• Net Temporary Disability Paid
• Net Permanent Disability Paid

• Gross Loss Paid – Recoveries

The sum of all loss dollars paid on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

Net Loss Incurred float
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Loss Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all loss dollars incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

Net Total Incurred float
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred
• Net Expense Incurred
• Net Legal Incurred
• Net Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

is Net Null boolean

Indicates whether or not the net financials calculated or present.

is Summary Record boolean

Indicates whether or not the associated data is part of a summary record captured from a source document.

Summary Claim Count integer

The number of claims counted within a given summary record, null if not a summary record.

Filename string

The name of the source file with the associated data.

FileID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the file with the associated data.

RecordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

isDuplicateCalculated boolean

GS Occurence ID string

A unique Groundspeed identifier to link claims/losses that pertain to the same occurence or loss event.

is Used in Loss Summary boolean

Is the claim used in Loss Summary

Sample Data

[ { "Loss Summary": [ { "Account Name": "Acme_Inc_123435", "Line Type": "General Liability", "Subcoverage": null, "Policy Year": "2018", "Carrier": "BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY GRP", "Total Number of Claims": 31, "Gross Loss Paid": 0, "Gross Loss Reserve": 0, "Gross Loss Incurred": 0, "Expense Paid": 0, "Expense Reserve": 0, "Expense Incurred": 0, "Total Paid": 0, "Total Reserves": 0, "Net Total Incurred": 0, "Recoveries": 0.0, "Gross Total Incurred": 0 } ], "Loss Detail": [ { "Account Name": "Acme_Inc_123435", "Line of Business Raw": null, "Line of Business": "General Liability", "is Line of Business Predicted": true, "Line Type": "General Liability", "is Line Type Predicted": true, "Subcoverage": "premises", "Policy Year": 2020, "Effective Date": "02/16/2020", "Expiration Date": "02/16/2021", "Carrier": "BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY GRP", "Insured Name": "ACME INC", "Policy Number": "WC20208105600", "Valuation Date": "02/09/2022", "Claim Number": "NL002XXXX", "Date of Loss": "07/14/2020", "Date Reported": null, "Status": "closed", "Close Date": null, "Claimant Name": "Jane Doe", "Loss Type": null, "Nature of Injury": null, "Nature of Injury Raw": null, "Body Part": null, "Body Part Raw": null, "Cause": null, "Cause Raw": null, "Catalyst": null, "Catalyst Raw": null, "Occupation": null, "Occupation Raw": null, "At Fault": null, "Loss State": null, "Loss Location": null, "Loss Description": "Moving material with crane. Another party rigged up the crane and it came loose striking claimant's finger.", "Indemnity Paid": 2118.29, "Indemnity Reserves": 0, "Indemnity Incurred": 2118.29, "PD Paid": null, "PD Reserves": null, "PD Incurred": null, "Medical Paid": 2164.65, "Medical Reserves": 0, "Medical Incurred": 2164.65, "BI Paid": null, "BI Reserves": null, "BI Incurred": null, "Expense Paid": 0, "Expense Reserves": 0, "Expense Incurred": 0, "Deductible": null, "Subrogation": null, "Salvage": null, "Recoveries": null, "Gross Loss Paid": 4282.94, "Gross Loss Reserves": 0, "Gross Loss Incurred": 4282.94, "Gross Total Incurred": 4282.94, "Total Paid": 4282.94, "Total Reserves": 0, "Net Loss Paid": null, "Net Loss Incurred": null, "Net Total Incurred": null, "is Net Null": true, "is Summary Record": false, "Summary Claim Count": null, "GS Occurrence ID": "0eef52ee-2d6c-31d2-b749-686ed26ff8d2", "Filename": "qiuogtjssl028uq754jteddhvke5urbsbenjq0o1.eml", "FileID": "JyAmfjKF5oYB4rkLW", "RecordID": "0eef52ee-2d6c-31d2-b749-686ed26ff8d2" } ], "Large Losses": [ { "Account Name": "Acme_Inc_123435", "Line of Business Raw": "WORKERS COMPENSATION", "is Line of Business Predicted": true, "Line Type": "General Liability", "is Line Type Predicted": true, "Line of Business": "General Liability", "Subcoverage": null, "Policy Year": 2018, "Effective Date": "01/01/2018", "Expiration Date": "02/16/2021", "Carrier": "BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY GRP", "Insured Name": "ACME INC", "Policy Number": "WC20208105600", "Valuation Date": "02/09/2018", "Claim Number": "NL002XXXX", "Date of Loss": "01/21/2018", "Date Reported": null, "Status": "closed", "Close Date": null, "Claimant Name": "Jack Sparrow", "Loss Type": null, "Nature of Injury": null, "Nature of Injury Raw": null, "Body Part": null, "Body Part Raw": null, "Cause": null, "Cause Raw": null, "Catalyst": null, "Catalyst Raw": null, "Occupation": null, "Occupation Raw": null, "At Fault": "false", "Loss State": "CA", "Loss Location": "San Francisco Bay", "Loss Description": "Lost leg during a boating accident", "Indemnity Paid": 22118.29, "Indemnity Reserves": 0, "Indemnity Incurred": 22118.29, "PD Paid": null, "PD Reserves": null, "PD Incurred": null, "Medical Paid": 2164.65, "Medical Reserves": 0, "Medical Incurred": 2164.65, "BI Paid": null, "BI Reserves": null, "BI Incurred": null, "Expense Paid": 0, "Expense Reserves": 0, "Expense Incurred": 0, "Deductible": null, "Subrogation": null, "Salvage": null, "Recoveries": null, "Gross Loss Paid": 44282.94, "Gross Loss Reserves": 0, "Gross Loss Incurred": 44282.94, "Gross Total Incurred": 44282.94, "Total Paid": 44282.94, "Total Reserves": 0, "Net Loss Paid": null, "Net Loss Incurred": null, "Net Total Incurred": null, "is Net Null": true, "is Summary Record": false, "Summary Claim Count": null, "Filename": "qiuogtjssl028uq754jteddhvke5urbsbenjq0o1.eml", "FileID": "JyAmfjKF5oYB4rkLW", "RecordID": "0eef52ee-2d6c-31d2-b749-686ed26123591", "isDuplicateCalculated": 0, "GS Occurrence ID": "", "is Used in Loss Summary": 1 } ] } ]
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