

The Submission output contains all of the loss, exposure, and general policy info from a submission, typically one sent by a broker to a carrier via an email with attachments. In excel output, only tabs with data will be presented. means Groundspeed derived when data not present in source document, means field is sourced from a 3rd party provider and is only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Attributes for the latest version are below.


coverSheet array

accountName string

Customer provided name on the account, derived from the ingested zip file or API call containing all the relevant files

sourceFileName string

The name of the source file included within the account

sourceFileID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the parent file

documentFileName string

The Groundspeed reference name for the child file split from the original source file

documentFileID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the child file split from the original source file

docType string

The underlying insurance document type within a file

status string

An indication of whether the file was successfully processed or failed

flagReason string

An indication of why a file failed

coverages array

recordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

fileID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the file with the associated data.

sourceFileName string

The name of the original source file.

policyNumber string

Carrier Policy Reference Number. Groundspeed cleans the value in the source document by removing non-alphanumeric characters.

effectiveDate string

The effective date of the proposed policy term.

expirationDate string

The expiration date of the proposed policy term.

retroactiveDate string

The retroactive date of the proposed policy term.

issueDate string

The issue date of the document.

premium string

The premium of the proposed policy term.

coverageTrigger string

The type of event that must occur before a particular policy applies to a given loss.

coverageType string

The coverage type of the proposed policy term.

subcoverageType string

The sub-coverage type of the proposed policy term.

subcoverageDetail string

The detailed coverage terms of the proposed policy term.

includedStates string

The state(s) included in the proposed policy term.

excludedStates string

The state(s) excluded in the proposed policy term.

aggregateLimit float

The aggregate limit of the proposed policy term.

occurrenceLimit float

The occurrence limit of the proposed policy term.

percentLimit string

The percent limit of the proposed policy term.

deductible string

The deductible of the proposed policy term.

sirAggregate string

The aggregate self-insured retention amount of the proposed policy term.

sirOccurrence string

The occurrence self-insured retention amount of the proposed policy term.

timeElement string

The time element of the proposed policy term.

waitingPeriod string

The waiting period of the proposed policy term.

minimumDeductible float

The minimum deductible amount of the proposed policy term.

percentDeductible float

The percent deductible of the proposed policy term.

lossDetail array

The name of the file which contains the associated data.

Account Name string

Customer provided name on the account, derived from the zip file ingested containing all the relevant files.

lineOfBusinessRaw string

Line of business present on source document.

lineOfBusiness string

Normalized LOB. Predicted by Groundspeed if no raw value present on source document.

isLineOfBusinessPredicted boolean

Whether or not the line of business was derived by Groundspeed models or explicitly captured in source documents.

lineType string

Normalized Line Type. Predicted by Groundspeed if no raw value present on source document.

isLineTypePredicted boolean

Whether or not the line type was derived by Groundspeed models or explicitly captured in source documents.

subcoverage string

The specific coverage or type of claim within a line of business for a claim. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

policyYear integer

The year that the policy starts, extracted from Effective Date.

effectiveDate string

Effective date of the policy which covers the loss.

expirationDate string

Expiration date of the policy which covers the loss.

carrier string

Name of the carrier paying out the loss. The NAIC group name if available, otherwise the NAIC carrier individual name.

carrierNaicCompanyNameCalculated string

The NAIC name of the carrier paying out the loss.

carrierNaicCompanyCodeCalculated string

The NAIC company code of the carrier paying out the loss.

carrierNaicGroupCodeCalculated string

The NAIC group code of the carrier paying out the loss.

carrierNaicGroupNameCalculated string

The NAIC group name of the carrier paying out the loss.

insuredName string

The entity, company, or individual covered by a policy. This is the value present in the source document.

businessEntity string

Business entity of the insured account.

policyNumber string

Carrier Policy Reference Number. Groundspeed cleans the value in the source document by removing non-alphanumeric characters.

valuationDate string

A cut-off date up to which a loss run includes all claim payments and changes in reserves. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

claimNumber string

The unique identifier the insurance company uses to reference the claim. Groundspeed cleans the value in the document to remove non-alphanumeric characters.

dateOfLoss string

When the event that triggered the loss occurred. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

dateReported string

When the loss was reported to the carrier. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

lossCountryCalculated string

Country of the location associated to the claim.

status string

The status of the claim. Generally open or closed.

litigationStatusRaw string

The litigation status of the claim.

closeDate string

If closed, when the claim was closed. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

claimantName string

The name of the person injured or person making the claim. The value present in the source document.

claimantAgeCalculated string

Age of the person injured or person making the claim.

employmentLengthCalculated string

Employment length of the person injured or person making the claim.

isCovidClaim string

If the claim was caused by COVID/COVID-related, return “Yes”. If not, just null.

lossType string

A sub-classification under a coverage type. Groundspeed presents the raw value in the source document.

natureOfInjury string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

natureOfInjuryRaw string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers compensation loss, from source document.

bodyPart string

Injured body part on a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

bodyPartRaw string

Injured body part on a workers compensation loss, from source document.

cause string

Cause on a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

causeRaw string

Cause on a workers compensation loss, from source document.

catalyst string

Catalyst on a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

catalystRaw string

Catalyst on a workers compensation loss, from source document.

occupation string

Occupation on a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

occupationRaw string

Occupation on a workers compensation loss, from source document.

atFault string

A flag indicating whether the insured is responsible for the auto loss. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

lossState string

The state where the incident giving rise to the claim occurred. Groundspeed will clean the value in the source to the appropriate abbreviation and will also predict the state from other fields.

riskState string

The state where related exposure is located (ex. where employee was hired). Groundspeed will clean the value in the source to the appropriate abbreviation.

benefitState string

The state where an employee accepts benefits from. Groundspeed will clean the value in the source to the appropriate abbreviation.

lossLocation string

Address of the location associated to the claim. Groundspeed presents the raw source document value.

lossDescription string

The detailed description of the incident. Groundspeed presents the raw source document value.

indemnityPaid float

The indemnity payments made on a claim.

indemnityReserves float

The reserves set aside to make indemnity payments for a claim.

indemnityIncurred float

The indemnity incurred value of a claim.

pdPaid float

The PD paid value of a claim.

pdReserves float

The PD Reserves value of a claim.

pdIncurred float

The PD Incurred value of a claim.

medicalPaid float

The medical payments made on a claim.

medicalReserves float

The reserves set aside to make medical payments for a claim.

medicalIncurred float

The medical incurred value of a claim.

biPaid float

The BI paid value of a claim.

biReserves float

The BI Reserves value of a claim.

biIncurred float

The BI Incurred value of a claim.

expensePaid float 
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

• Total Paid – Gross Loss Paid

The sum of expenses paid on a claim.

expenseReserves float 
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Total Reserves – Gross Loss Reserves

The sum of money set aside for expenses on a claim.

expenseIncurred float 
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Gross Loss Incurred

The sum of expenses incurred on a claim.

rehabPaidCalculated float

The vocational rehab paid amount applied to a claim.

rehabReserveCalculated float

The vocational rehab reserve amount applied to a claim.

rehabIncurredCalculated float

The vocational rehab incurred amount applied to a claim.

deductible float

The deductible amount applied to a claim.

subrogation float

The subrogation recovery amount applied to a claim.

salvage float

The salvage recovery amount applied to a claim.

recoveries float 
• Salvage
• Indemnity Recovered
• Medical Recovered
• Property Damage Recovered
• Bodily Injury Recovered
• Collision Recovered
• Comprehensive Recovered
• Vocational Rehab Recovered
• Temporary Disability Recovered
• Permanent Disability Recovered
• Expense Recovered
• Legal Recovered
• Other Expense Recovered
• Recovery Reserves

• Gross Total Incurred – Net Total Incurred

The sum of all money recovered on a claim.

grossLossPaid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid

• Gross Total Paid – Expense Paid

The sum of money paid on a claim other than expenses.

grossLossReserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves

• Total Reserves – Expense Reserves

The sum of money set aside for a claim other than expenses.

grossLossIncurred float 
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Expense Incurred

The sum of all losses incurred on a claim.

grossTotalIncurred float 
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

• Net Total Incurred + Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim.

totalPaid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Reserves

The sum of all amounts paid on a claim.

totalReserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Paid

Total reserves set for claim.

netLossPaid float 
• Net Indemnity Paid
• Net Medical Paid
• Net Property Damage Paid
• Net Bodily Injury Paid
• Net Collision Paid
• Net Comprehensive Paid
• Net Vocational Rehab Paid
• Net Temporary Disability Paid
• Net Permanent Disability Paid

• Gross Loss Paid – Recoveries

The sum of all loss dollars paid on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

netLossIncurred float 
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Loss Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all loss dollars incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

netTotalIncurred float 
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred
• Net Expense Incurred
• Net Legal Incurred
• Net Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

isNetNull boolean

Indicates whether or not the net financials calculated or present.

isSummaryRecord boolean

Indicates whether or not the associated data is part of a summary record captured from a source document.

summaryClaimCount integer

The number of claims counted within a given summary record, null if not a summary record.

classCodeRaw string

Class code of a claim, from source document.

gsOccurrenceId string

A unique Groundspeed identifier to link claims/losses that pertain to the same occurence or loss event.

filename string

The name of the source file with the associated data.

fileID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the file with the associated data.

recordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

lossSummary array

A summary of loss detail records grouped by policy year with financials summed.

accountName string

Customer provided name on the account, derived from the zip file ingested (or email subject) containing all the relevant files.

lineType string

Normalized Line Type. Predicted by Groundspeed if no raw value present on source document.

subcoverage string

The specific coverage or type of claim within a line of business for a claim. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

policyYear string

The year that the policy starts, extracted from Effective Date.

carrier string

Name of the carrier paying out the loss. The NAIC group name if available, otherwise the NAIC carrier individual name.

totalNumberOfClaims integer

The number of claims during the summary period.

grossLossPaid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid

• Gross Total Paid – Expense Paid

The sum of money paid on a claim other than expenses.

grossLossReserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves

• Total Reserves – Expense Reserves

The sum of money set aside for a claim other than expenses.

grossLossIncurred float 
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Expense Incurred

The sum of all losses incurred on a claim.

expensePaid float 
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

• Total Paid – Gross Loss Paid

The sum of expenses paid on a claim.

expenseReserves float 
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Total Reserves – Gross Loss Reserves

The sum of money set aside for expenses on a claim.

expenseIncurred float 
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Gross Loss Incurred

The sum of expenses incurred on a claim.

totalPaid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Reserves

The sum of all amounts paid on a claim.

totalReserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Paid

Total reserves set for claim.

netTotalIncurred float 
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred
• Net Expense Incurred
• Net Legal Incurred
• Net Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

largeLosses array

Large losses are losses of at least $25,000.

accountName string

Customer provided name on the account, derived from the zip file ingested containing all the relevant files.

lineOfBusinessRaw string

Line of business present on source document.

isLineOfBusinessPredicted boolean

Whether or not the line of business was derived by Groundspeed models or explicitly captured in source documents.

lineType string

Normalized Line Type. Predicted by Groundspeed if no raw value present on source document.

isLineTypePredicted boolean

Whether or not the line type was derived by Groundspeed models or explicitly captured in source documents.

subcoverage string

The specific coverage or type of claim within a line of business for a claim. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

policyYear integer

The year that the policy starts, extracted from Effective Date.

effectiveDate string

Effective date of the policy which covers the loss.

expirationDate string

Expiration date of the policy which covers the loss.

carrier string

Name of the carrier paying out the loss. The NAIC group name if available, otherwise the NAIC carrier individual name.

carrierNaicCompanyNameCalculated string

The NAIC name of the carrier paying out the loss.

carrierNaicCompanyCodeCalculated string

The NAIC company code of the carrier paying out the loss.

carrierNaicGroupCodeCalculated string

The NAIC group code of the carrier paying out the loss.

carrierNaicGroupNameCalculated string

The NAIC group name of the carrier paying out the loss.

insuredName string

The entity, company, or individual covered by a policy. This is the value present in the source document.

businessEntity string

Business entity of the insured account.

policyNumber string

Carrier Policy Reference Number. Groundspeed cleans the value in the source document by removing non-alphanumeric characters.

valuationDate string

A cut-off date up to which a loss run includes all claim payments and changes in reserves. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

claimNumber string

The unique identifier the insurance company uses to reference the claim. Groundspeed cleans the value in the document to remove non-alphanumeric characters.

dateOfLoss string

When the event that triggered the loss occurred. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

dateReported string

When the loss was reported to the carrier. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

lossCountryCalculated string

Country of the location associated to the claim.

status string

The status of the claim. Generally open or closed.

litigationStatusRaw string

The litigation status of the claim.

closeDate string

If closed, when the claim was closed. Groundspeed cleans up the value to a mm/dd/yyyy format.

claimantName string

The name of the person injured or person making the claim. The value present in the source document.

claimantAgeCalculated string

Age of the person injured or person making the claim.

employmentLengthCalculated string

Employment length of the person injured or person making the claim.

isCovidClaim string

If the claim was caused by COVID/COVID-related, return “Yes”. If not, just null.

lossType string

A sub-classification under a coverage type. Groundspeed presents the raw value in the source document.

natureOfInjury string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

natureOfInjuryRaw string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers compensation loss, from source document.

bodyPart string

Injured body part on a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

bodyPartRaw string

Injured body part on a workers compensation loss, from source document.

cause string

Cause on a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

causeRaw string

Cause on a workers compensation loss, from source document.

catalyst string

Catalyst on a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

catalystRaw string

Catalyst on a workers compensation loss, from source document.

occupation string

Occupation on a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

occupationRaw string

Occupation on a workers compensation loss, from source document.

atFault string

A flag indicating whether the insured is responsible for the auto loss. This is a Groundspeed predicted value.

lossState string

The state where the incident giving rise to the claim occurred. Groundspeed will clean the value in the source to the appropriate abbreviation and will also predict the state from other fields.

riskState string

The state where related exposure is located (ex. where employee was hired). Groundspeed will clean the value in the source to the appropriate abbreviation.

benefitState string

The state where an employee accepts benefits from. Groundspeed will clean the value in the source to the appropriate abbreviation.

lossLocation string

Address of the location associated to the claim. Groundspeed presents the raw source document value.

lossDescription string

The detailed description of the incident. Groundspeed presents the raw source document value.

indemnityPaid float

The indemnity payments made on a claim.

indemnityReserves float

The reserves set aside to make indemnity payments for a claim.

indemnityIncurred float

The indemnity incurred value of a claim.

pdPaid float

The PD paid value of a claim.

pdReserves float

The PD Reserves value of a claim.

pdIncurred float

The PD Incurred value of a claim.

medicalPaid float

The medical payments made on a claim.

medicalReserves float

The reserves set aside to make medical payments for a claim.

medicalIncurred float

The medical incurred value of a claim.

biPaid float

The BI paid value of a claim.

biReserves float

The BI Reserves value of a claim.

biIncurred float

The BI Incurred value of a claim.

expensePaid float 
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

• Total Paid – Gross Loss Paid

The sum of expenses paid on a claim.

expenseReserves float 
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Total Reserves – Gross Loss Reserves

The sum of money set aside for expenses on a claim.

expenseIncurred float 
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Gross Loss Incurred

The sum of expenses incurred on a claim.

rehabPaidCalculated float

The vocational rehab paid amount applied to a claim.

rehabReserveCalculated float

The vocational rehab reserve amount applied to a claim.

rehabIncurredCalculated float

The vocational rehab incurred amount applied to a claim.

deductible float

The deductible amount applied to a claim.

subrogation float

The subrogation recovery amount applied to a claim.

salvage float

The salvage recovery amount applied to a claim.

recoveries float 
• Salvage
• Indemnity Recovered
• Medical Recovered
• Property Damage Recovered
• Bodily Injury Recovered
• Collision Recovered
• Comprehensive Recovered
• Vocational Rehab Recovered
• Temporary Disability Recovered
• Permanent Disability Recovered
• Expense Recovered
• Legal Recovered
• Other Expense Recovered
• Recovery Reserves

• Gross Total Incurred – Net Total Incurred

The sum of all money recovered on a claim.

grossLossPaid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid

• Gross Total Paid – Expense Paid

The sum of money paid on a claim other than expenses.

grossLossReserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves

• Total Reserves – Expense Reserves

The sum of money set aside for a claim other than expenses.

grossLossIncurred float 
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Expense Incurred

The sum of all losses incurred on a claim.

grossTotalIncurred float 
• Indemnity Incurred
• Medical Incurred
• Property Damage Incurred
• Bodily Injury Incurred
• Collision Incurred
• Comprehensive Incurred
• Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Temporary Disability Incurred
• Permanent Disability Incurred
• Expense Incurred
• Legal Incurred
• Other Expense Incurred

• Net Total Incurred + Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim.

totalPaid float 
• Indemnity Paid
• Medical Paid
• Property Damage Paid
• Bodily Injury Paid
• Collision Paid
• Comprehensive Paid
• Vocational Rehab Paid
• Temporary Disability Paid
• Permanent Disability Paid
• Expense Paid
• Legal Paid
• Other Expense Paid

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Reserves

The sum of all amounts paid on a claim.

totalReserves float 
• Indemnity Reserves
• Medical Reserves
• Property Damage Reserves
• Bodily Injury Reserves
• Collision Reserves
• Comprehensive Reserves
• Vocational Rehab Reserves
• Temporary Disability Reserves
• Permanent Disability Reserves
• Expense Reserves
• Legal Reserves
• Other Expense Reserves

• Gross Total Incurred – Total Paid

Total reserves set for claim.

netLossPaid float 
• Net Indemnity Paid
• Net Medical Paid
• Net Property Damage Paid
• Net Bodily Injury Paid
• Net Collision Paid
• Net Comprehensive Paid
• Net Vocational Rehab Paid
• Net Temporary Disability Paid
• Net Permanent Disability Paid

• Gross Loss Paid – Recoveries

The sum of all loss dollars paid on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

netLossIncurred float 
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred

• Gross Loss Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all loss dollars incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

netTotalIncurred float 
• Net Indemnity Incurred
• Net Medical Incurred
• Net Property Damage Incurred
• Net Bodily Injury Incurred
• Net Collision Incurred
• Net Comprehensive Incurred
• Net Vocational Rehab Incurred
• Net Temporary Disability Incurred
• Net Permanent Disability Incurred
• Net Expense Incurred
• Net Legal Incurred
• Net Other Expense Incurred

• Gross Total Incurred – Recoveries

The sum of all money incurred on a claim net of recoveries and gross of any deductible.

isNetNull boolean

Indicates whether or not the net financials calculated or present.

isSummaryRecord boolean

Indicates whether or not the associated data is part of a summary record captured from a source document.

summaryClaimCount integer

The number of claims counted within a given summary record, null if not a summary record.

classCodeRaw string

Class code of a claim, from source document.

fileName string

The name of the source file with the associated data.

fileID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the file with the associated data.

recordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

isDuplicateCalculated boolean

gsOccurenceID string

A unique Groundspeed identifier to link claims/losses that pertain to the same occurence or loss event.

isUsedInLossSummary boolean

Is the claim used in Loss Summary.

exposureProperty array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

recordID string

Unique id for a record within a file in Groundspeed’s platform.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

doctype string

Document type of the file.

namedInsured string

Full name of the insured.

businessEntity string

Subsidiary of the insured responsible for exposure.

currency string

Currency in which financial values are denominated.

descriptionOfOperations string

Description of operations at a given location.

description string

Additional descriptive details regarding a location.

locationName string

Name of location of exposure.

locationNumber string

Identifier for location of exposure.

buildingNumber string

Unique identifier for a building.

locationStreetAddress string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Street address of exposure.

locationStreetAddressRaw string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Raw Street address of exposure before geolocation normalization.

locationCity string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

City of exposure.

locationCounty string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

County of exposure.

locationState string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

State of exposure.

locationZipCode string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Zip Code of exposure.

locationCountry string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Country of exposure.

latitude float 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The latitude of exposure.

longitude float 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The longitude of exposure.

valuationDate string

Valuation date for exposure information.

policyYear integer

Year indicated for exposure, taken from effective date if not explicitly present in the source document.

effectiveDate string

Effective date for exposure.

expirationDate string

Expiration date for exposure.

dateAdded string

The date on which a location was added to a schedule.

deleteDate string

The date on which a location was deleted from a schedule.

buildingValue float

The total building insured value.

contentsValue float

The total contents insured value.

businessIncome string

Business Income Value

extraExpenseValue string

Extra Expense Value

otherValue float

The total other insured value.

totalInsuredValue float

The sum total insured value.

occupancy string

Main use of location/building

construction string

Description of construction methods/materials used at location.

yearBuilt string

Year location was constructed.

yearUpgraded string

Year of most recent upgrade/renovation at location.

area float

Specified area at location.

numberOfStories integer

Number of stories at location.

numberOfBuildings integer

Number of buildings at location.

numberOfFloorsOccupied integer

Number of occupied floors at location.

windZone string

Wind zone designation at location.

earthquakeZone string

Earthquake zone designation at location.

floodZone string

Flood zone designation at location.

constructionQuality string

The construction quality of a building.

constructionQualityConvectiveStorm string

The construction quality of a building with respects to the convective storm peril.

constructionQualityEarthquake string

The construction quality of a building with respects to the earthquake peril.

roofCovering string

The material used to cover the roof.

roofCoveringConvectiveStorm string

The material used to cover the roof with respects to the convective storm peril.

roofAge string

The age of the roof in years.

roofAgeConvectiveStorm string

The age of the roof with respects to the convective storm peril.

roofGeometry string

The shape of the roof.

roofGeometryConvectiveStorm string

The shape of the roof with respects to the convective storm peril.

roofAnchor string

The roof anchorage system.

roofAnchorConvectiveStorm string

The roof anchorage system with respects to the convective storm peril.

roofEquipment string

Indicates if equipment is braced on the roof and the impact this will have on losses.

roofEquipmentConvectiveStorm string

Indicates if equipment is braced on the roof and the impact this will have on losses with respects to the convective storm peril.

basement string

Indicates the presence of a basement.

basementConvectiveStorm string

Indicates the presence of a basement with respects to the convective storm peril.

otherStructures string

Indicates the presence of other structures.

otherStructuresConvectiveStorm string

Indicates the presence of other structures with respects to the convective storm peril.

cladding string

The presence and material of exterior building cladding.

claddingConvectiveStorm string

The presence and material of exterior building cladding with respects to the convective storm peril.

claddingEarthquake string

The presence and material of exterior building cladding with respects to the earthquake peril.

frameConnection string

The type of connection used between the frame and foundation.

frameConnectionConvectiveStorm string

The type of connection used between the frame and foundation with respects to the convective storm peril.

groundLevelEquipment string

Indicates whether equipment is present at the ground level of a building.

groundLevelEquipmentConvectiveStorm string

Indicates whether equipment is present at the ground level of a building with respects to the convective storm peril.

openingProtection string

Indicates the protection used on openings of a building.

openProtectionConvectiveStorm string

Indicates the protection used on openings of a building with respects to the convective storm peril.

flashingAndCoping string

Indicates the quality of flashing or coping on a roof.

flashingAndCopingConvectiveStorm string

Indicates the quality of flashing or coping on a roof with respects to the convective storm peril.

baseIsolation string

Indicates the presence and type of a seismic base isolation system.

equipmentSupportMaintenance string

Indicates the support maintenance system for equipment.

engineeredFoundation string

Indicates the type of foundation in a building.

frameBolt string

The type of bolt used to connect the frame.

masonryChimney string

Indicates the presence and height of a chimney.

masonryPartitions string

Indicates the presence and type of partitions in a building.

equipmentBracing string

Indicates the presence of and type bracing for equipment.

ornamentation string

Indicates the presence of building ornamentation.

verticalIrregularity string

Indicates vertical irregularities of a building.

pounding string

Represents the distance to the closet structure.

planIrregularity string

Indicates plan irregularities of a building.

shortColumn string

Indicates if there are short columns in the building.

softStory string

Indicates if there is a structural weakness at any floor.

structuralUpgrade string

Indicates if a structural upgrade has been made to a building.

purlinAnchoring string

Indicates if purlin anchoring is used.

urmretrofit string

Indicates the presence of a unreinforced masonry retrofit for a building.

crippleWalls string

Indicates the presence of cripple walls in a building.

sprinkler string

Indicates the presence or type of sprinkler in a building.

windMissiles string

Description of the wind missile risk for this location.

mechanicalElectricalEquipment string

The presence and type of bracing used to protect mechanical and electrical equipment from earthquake damage.

biPreparedness string

Description of the business interruption preparedness for this location.

biRedundancy string

Description of the business interruption redundancy for this location.

redundancy string

Indicates the presence and type of the redundancy in place.

treeDensity string

Description of the density of trees adjacent to a building.

constructionCode string

The code representing the construction type of a building.

sprinklerLeakageSusceptibility string

Description of the sprinkler leakage susceptibility of this location.

doorResistance string

Description of the door resistance of this location.

roofMaintenance string

Captures the impact roof maintenance has on the losses.

parapetsChimneys string

Description of the parapets or chimneys in place at this location.

timeElementPeriod string

Indicates the amount of time for BI coverage.

exposureAuto array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

recordID string

Unique id for a record within a file in Groundspeed’s platform.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

doctype string

Document type of the file.

namedInsured string

Full name of the insured.

businessEntity string

Subsidiary of the insured responsible for exposure.

currency string

Currency in which financial values are denominated.

locationName string

Name of location of exposure.

locationStreetAddress string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Street address of exposure.

locationStreetAddressRaw string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Raw Street address of exposure before geolocation normalization.

locationCity string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

City of exposure.

locationCounty string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

County of exposure.

locationState string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

State of exposure.

locationZipCode string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Zip Code of exposure.

locationCountry string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Country of exposure.

valuationDate string

Valuation date for exposure information.

policyYear integer

Year indicated for exposure, taken from effective date if not explicitly present in the source document.

effectiveDate string

Effective date for exposure.

expirationDate string

Expiration date for exposure.

vin string

Vehicle identification number of vehicle.

vehicleBody string

Body type of vehicle.

vehicleMake string

Make of vehicle.

vehicleMakeCalculated string 

Make of vehicle From Data Integration.

vehicleModel string

Model of vehicle.

vehicleModelCalculated string 

Model of vehicle From Data Integration.

vehicleYear string

Model year of vehicle.

vehicleYearCalculated integer 

Model year of vehicle From External Data Integration.

grossVehicleWeightRating string

Maximum operating weight range of vehicle.

grossVehicleWeightRatingCalculated string 

Maximum operating weight range of vehicle From External Data Integration.

classCode string

The sum total insured value.

vehicleTypeCalculated string 

Type of Vehicle Insured From External Data Integration.

vehicleValue float

Monetary value of the vehicle.

basePriceCalculated float 

Monetary value of the vehicle From External Data Integration.

vehicleRegisteredState string

State where vehicle is registered.

vehicleUse string

Type of use of vehicle.

vehicleRadius string

Operating range of vehicle.

milesDriven string

Distance traveled during period.

privatePassengerVehiclesCount integer

Count of private passenger vehicles. Only present on summary records.

lightVehiclesCount integer

Count of light vehicles. Only present on summary records.

mediumVehiclesCount integer

Count of medium vehicles. Only present on summary records.

heavyVehiclesCount integer

Count of heavy vehicles. Only present on summary records.

extraHeavyVehiclesCount integer

Count of extra heavy vehicles. Only present on summary records.

trailersCount integer

Count of trailers. Only present on summary records.

totalVehiclesCount integer

Total count of vehicles. Only present on summary records.

dateAdded string

The date on which a location was added to a schedule.

deleteDate string

The date on which a location was deleted from a schedule.

activeSafetySystemNote string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Information about any active safety systems on the vehicle, such as ABS or ESC.

adaptiveCruiseControl string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has adaptive cruise control.

adaptiveDrivingBeam string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has a adaptive or directional driving beam.

adaptiveHeadlights string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has adaptive headlights overall.

airBagLocationCurtain string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has curtain airbags over windows.

airBagLocationFront string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has front airbags.

airBagLocationKnee string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has knee airbags.

airBagLocationSeatCushion string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has seat cushion air bags.

airBagLocationSide string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has side air bags.

autoReverseSystem string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has a reverse park assist.

automaticPedestrainAlertingSound string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has a PAS/PDT technology.

axleConfiguration string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Drive Axle Configuration Specifications (e.g. 6×4, 6×2).

axles int 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Number of axles.

batteryAmps string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Battery Amps.

batteryAmpsTo string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Battery Amps To.

batteryCells string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has battery cells.

batteryInfo string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Battery Info.

batteryKwh string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Battery KWH.

batteryKwhTo string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Battery KWH To.

batteryModules string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has battery modules.

batteryPacks string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has battery packs.

batteryType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Type of battery (e.g. lead-acid wet or dry cell, AGM, Li-ION, NiMH, etc).

batteryVoltage string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Battery Voltage.

batteryVoltageTo string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Battery Voltage To.

bedLength string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Bed Length when vehicle is a truck.

bedType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Bed type when vehicle is a truck.

blindSpotMonitoring string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has blind spot detection system.

bodyCabType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Body Cab Type when vehicle is a truck.

bodyClass string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Body Class.

brakeSystemDescription string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Brake System Description.

brakeSystemType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Type of Brakes (e.g disc, drum, ABS, RBS, etc).

busFloorConfigurationType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Bus Floor Configuration (e.g. low-floor, high floor).

busLength string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Bus Length.

controllerAreaNetworkAdvancedAutomaticCollisionNotification string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – Indicating whether a AACN is present in vehicle.

crashImminentBrakeSystem string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – Indicating whether vehicle has a CIB.

chargerLevel string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Charger Level.

chargerPowerKwh string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Charger Power KWH.

coolingType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Cooling Type.

curbWeightLb string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Curb Weight in Lbs (GVWR – Payload Weight).

daytimeRunningLights string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle had daylight running lights.

daytimeRunningLights string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle had daylight running lights.

displacementCc float 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine Displacement measured in Cubic Centimeters.

displacementCi float 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine Displacement measured in Cubin Inches.

diplacementLitres float 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine Displacement measured in litres.

doors int 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Number of doors.

vehicleDriveType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Drive Train specs (RWD, FWD, AWD, ewtc).

driverAssist string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has any driver assist technologies.

dynamicBrakeSupport string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has brake assist, either mechanical to electronic.

eventDataRecorder string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – Whether an EDR Module is present in the vehicle.

electronicStabilityControl string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has ESC or ESP/DSC systems in place.

evDriveUnit string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

EV Drive Unit.

electrificationLevel string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Electrification Level.

engineCycles string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine Cycles.

engineCylinders int 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine Cylinders.

engineHp int 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine HP.

engineHpTo int 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine HP To.

engineKw float 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine Kw.

engineManufacturer string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine Manufacturer.

engineModel string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Engine Model.

entertainmentSystem string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has entertainment system.

forwardCollisionWarning string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – Forward Collision Warning.

fuelInjectionType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Fuel Injection Type.

fuelTypePrimary string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Fuel Type Primary.

fuelTypeSecondary string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Fuel Type Secondary.

keylessIgnition string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether the vehicle has keyless ignition.

laneDepartureWarning string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether the vehicle has lane departure warning.

laneKeepSystem string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether the vehicle has active lane keep system.

manufacturer string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The Vehicle Manufacturer.

otherRestraintSystemInfo string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Description of other restraining or safety mechanisms, such as Infaltable knee restraints, Inflatable head restraints, etc..

otherTrailerInfo string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Trailer Notes.

parkAssist string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has park assist.

pedestrianAutomaticEmergencyBraking string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has PAEB.

pretensioner string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle seatbelts are equipped with a pretensioner.

rearCrossTrafficAlert string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle is equipped with a RCTA ADAS (advanced driver assist system) or not.

saeAutomationLevel string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Indicates what level of driving automation support is available for vehicle. Typically from SAE Level 0 to 5.

saeAutomationLevelTo string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

SAE Automation Level To.

seatBeltsAll string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether all passengers have seatbelts.

seatRows int 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Indicated number of rows in vehicle.

semiautomaticHeadlampBeamSwitching string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – indicates whether vehicle has a semiautomatic beadlamp beam switching device, in order to switch between upper and lower beam lamps.

tirePressureMonitoringSystem string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – indicates whether the vehicle comes with a TPMS.

topSpeedMph int 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The top speed rated by the manufacturer in miles per hour.

trackWidth string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Track Width.

tractionControl string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Traction Control.

trailerBodyType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Trailer Body Type.

trailerLength string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The length of the trailer.

trailerType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The Trailer type, e.g. Flatbed, Dry Van, etc.

transmissionType string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The type of transmission, such as manual, automatic, CVT, SAT, Dual-Clutch, etc.

trim string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

A code that indicates vehicle trim level typically derived from the VIN # (e.g. SAV).

valveTrainDesign string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Indicates valve train type, such as mechanical, overhead cam, etc.

wheels int 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Number of Wheels.

wheelBaseLong float 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Wheel base length if vehicle is long wheel base.

wheelBaseShort float 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Wheel base length if vehicle is short wheel base.

windows string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Number of Windows.

rearAutomatedEmergencyBraking string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether vehicle has automated braking systems.

blindSpotInterventionSystem string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether a vehicle has a Blind Spot Intervention system (as opposed to just a monitoring system).

laneCenteringAssistanceSystem string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether a lane centering or lane keeping system is in the vehicle.

backupCamera string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether the car has a backup camera.

blindSpotWarningSystem string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Yes/No – whether the car has a blind spot detection system.

headlampLightSource string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The source of each headlamp, typically either Halogen, LED, Xenon/HID or Laser.

exposurePayroll array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

recordID string

Unique id for a record within a file in Groundspeed’s platform.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

doctype string

Document type of the file.

namedInsured string

Full name of the insured.

businessEntity string

Subsidiary of the insured responsible for exposure.

division string

Division of the insured responsible for the exposure.

currency string

Currency in which financial values are denominated.

descriptionOfOperations string

Description of operations at a given location.

description string

Additional descriptive details regarding a location.

locationName string

Name of location of exposure.

locationStreetAddress string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Street address of exposure.

locationStreetAddressRaw string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Raw Street address of exposure before geolocation normalization.

locationCity string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

City of exposure.

locationCounty string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

County of exposure.

locationState string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

State of exposure.

locationZipCode string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Zip Code of exposure.

locationCountry string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Country of exposure.

valuationDate string

Valuation date for exposure information.

policyYear integer

Year indicated for exposure, taken from effective date if not explicitly present in the source document.

effectiveDate string

Effective date for exposure.

expirationDate string

Expiration date for exposure.

industryClass string

The classification of an insureds primary business activities.

classCode string

Provided worker classification code.

classCodeDescription string

Description of worker classification.

employeeType string

Description of employee type.

fullTimeEmployeeCount integer

Count of full-time employees.

partTimeEmployeeCount integer

Maximum operating weight range of vehicle.

tempEmployeeCount integer

Count of temp employees.

seasonalEmployeeCount integer

Count of seasonal employees.

totalEmployeeCount integer

Total count of employees.

experienceModifier float

Experience modifier applied for premium rating.

totalPayroll float

Amount of payroll exposure. Prioritizes the values from these fields, in order – total, audited, estimated payroll.

estimatedPayroll float

Amount of projected payroll exposure.

auditedPayroll float

Amount of audited payroll exposure.

rate float

A value used to calculate rated premium for an exposure.

rateType string

premiumBasisRaw string

The type of rating used to determine an insurance premium.

The raw value description of the basis of the exposure.

premiumBasisCalculated string

The normalized value description of the basis of the exposure.

ratedPremium float

Premium calculated using the exposure and rate.

exposureRevenue array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

recordID string

Unique id for a record within a file in Groundspeed’s platform.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

doctype string

Document type of the file.

namedInsured string

Full name of the insured.

businessEntity string

Subsidiary of the insured responsible for exposure.

division string

Division of the insured responsible for the exposure.

currency string

Currency in which financial values are denominated.

descriptionOfOperations string

Description of operations at a given location.

description string

Additional descriptive details regarding a location.

locationName string

Name of location of exposure.

locationStreetAddress string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Street address of exposure.

locationStreetAddressRaw string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Raw Street address of exposure before geolocation normalization.

locationCity string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

City of exposure.

locationCounty string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

County of exposure.

locationState string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

State of exposure.

locationZipCode string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Zip Code of exposure.

locationCountry string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Country of exposure.

valuationDate string

Valuation date for exposure information.

policyYear integer

Year indicated for exposure, taken from effective date if not explicitly present in the source document.

effectiveDate string

Effective date for exposure.

expirationDate string

Expiration date for exposure.

occupancy string

Main use of location/building.

classCode string

Provided classification code.

classCodeDescription string

Description of classification.

revenue float

Total revenue at location.

estimatedRevenue float

Estimated revenue at location.

grossRevenue float

Realized revenue.

netRevenue float

Revenue net cost of revenue.

costOfGoodsSold float

Cost of goods sold for insured.

exposureValue float

The value of an item or a measure of potential loss.

rate float

A value used to calculate rated premium for an exposure.

rateType string

The type of rating used to determine an insurance premium.

premiumBasisRaw string

The raw value description of the basis of the exposure.

premiumBasisCalculated string

The normalized value description of the basis of the exposure.

ratedPremium float

Premium calculated using the exposure and rate.

exposureEquipment array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

recordID string

Unique id for a record within a file in Groundspeed’s platform.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

namedInsured string

Full name of the insured.

businessEntity string

Subsidiary of the insured responsible for exposure.

division string

Division of the insured responsible for the exposure.

currency string

Currency in which financial values are denominated.

valuationDate string

Valuation date for exposure information.

effectiveDate string

Effective date for exposure.

expirationDate string

Expiration date for exposure.

policyYear integer

Year indicated for exposure, taken from effective date if not explicitly present in the source document.

locationNumber string

Number of location of exposure.

locationStreetAddress string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Street address of exposure.

locationStreetAddressRaw string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Raw Street address of exposure before geolocation normalization.

locationCity string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

City of exposure.

locationCounty string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

County of exposure.

locationState string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

State of exposure.

locationZipCode string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Zip Code of exposure.

locationCountry string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

Country of exposure.

equipmentNumber string

Equipment number

equipmentYear string

Equipment year

equipmentManufacturer string

Equipment manufacturer

equipmentModel string

Equipment model

equipmentSerialNumber string

Equipment Serial Number

equipmentType string

Equipment type

purchasePrice string

Equipment purchase price or cost new

equipmentValue string

Equipment value

equipmentReplacementCost string

Equipment replacement cost

insuranceAmount string

Equipment insurance amount

subjectOfInsurance string

Subject of insurance

valuationType string

Equipment valuation type

coinsurance string


capacity string

Equipment capacity

radius string

Equipment radius

ownership string

Type of ownership

seatCapacity string

Equipment seat capacity

totalMiles string

Total miles

description string


status string

Equipment status

addDate string

Date equipment is added

deleteDate string

Date equipment is deleted

exposureDrivers array

actionCode string

Value indicating a record to be sent for a driver motor vehicle report.

account string

Account identifier for the insured.

billCode string

Not currently supported.

state string

The state in which the driver’s license was issued.

dlNumber string

The driver’s license number.

dateOfBirth string

The driver’s date of birth.

lastName string

The driver’s last name.

suffix string

The driver’s suffix.

firstName string

The driver’s first name.

middleName string

The driver’s middle name.

gender string

The driver’s gender.

reserved string

Not currently supported.

requestType string

Not currently supported.

comment string

Additional information about this driver motor vehicle request.

fillOption string

Not currently supported.

groupName string

The classification of the driver’s license.

medicalCertificationExpiration string

The date on which the driver’s medical certification expires.

hireDate string

The date on which the driver was hired.

height float

The driver’s height in inches.

weight float

The driver’s weight in pounds.

recordID string

Unique id for a record within a file in Groundspeed’s platform.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

doctype string

Document type of the file.

exposureAircraft array

insuredName string

The entity, company, or individual covered by a policy. This is the value present in the source document.

businessEntity string

Subsidiary of the insured responsible for exposure.

division string

Division of the insured responsible for the exposure.

currency string

Currency in which financial values are denominated.

valuationDate string

Valuation date for exposure information.

effectiveDate string

Effective date for exposure.

expirationDate string

Expiration date for exposure.

policyYear integer

Year indicated for exposure, taken from effective date if not explicitly present in the source document.

insuredAddress string

The street address of the insured.

insuredCity string

The city of the insured.

insuredState string

The state of the insured.

insuredZipCode string

The zip code of the insured

insuredCountry string

The country of the insured.

locationAddress string

The street address of the exposure.

locationCity string

City of exposure.

locationState string

State of exposure.

locationZipCode string

Zip Code of exposure.

locationCountry string

Country of exposure.

aircraftNumber string

Aircraft number.

aircraftYear string

Aircraft make and model year

aircraftMake string

Make of Aircraft.

aircraftModel string

Model of Aircraft.

tailNumber string

Aircraft identification number.

serialNumber string

Serial number of an aircraft assigned by the manufacturer

agreedValue string

Aircraft agreed value

hullValue string

Aircraft hull value

sparesValue string

Spares value

liabilityLimit string

The aircraft liability limit

deductible string

The deductible amount associated with the aircraft.

deductibleBasis string

The deductible basis associated with the aircraft

seatCapacity string

Total number of seats of the Aircraft.

passengerSeats string

Total number of passenger seats in an aircraft

crewSeats string

Total number of crew seats in an aircraft

occupancyRate float

Average number of Passenger Seats in an aircraft

insurableItemType string

Insurable item type

aircraftCategory string

Aircraft model category

flightStatus string

The distiction between whether the flight is Ground Risk (GRO) or Full Flight Risk (FFR)

aircraftStatus string

Indication of whether an aircraft is added, deleted, or changed

addDate string

Date aircraft was added

delete string

Date aircraft was deleted

totalMiles string

Total miles flown

flightHours string

Total flight hours

description string


airline string

Operating airline for the insurable item type

airport string

Airport associated with an aircraft

estimatedDepartures integer

Estimated number of departures for an aircraft for the upcoming policy period

totalDepartures integer

Number of deparatures carried out by an aircraft

totalAircraft integer

Total number of aircrafts

subcoverage string

The type of coverage within a line of business.

rate float

A value used to calculate rated premium for an exposure.

rateType string

The type of rating used to determine an insurance premium.

ratedPremium float

Premium calculated using the exposure and rate.

exposure integer

The raw value that is used to determine premium

premiumBasis string

The raw value description of the basis of the exposure.

recordID string

Unique id for a record within a file in Groundspeed’s platform.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

fileName string

The name of the original source file.


Information about the documents attached to a submission email.

emailSubject string

The subject of the email containing the submission.

emailSender string

The email address of the sender of the submission.

emailDate string

Date the email with the submission was sent.

attachmentsCount integer

The number of attachments in the submission email.

requestId string

The ID of the request, which can be referenced with the Groundspeed team to help assist with any questions or debugging.


General information about the submission.

insuredName string

The entity, company, or individual covered by a policy. This is the value present in the source document.

dateSubmitted string

The date the submission was initially sent, independent of when the broker email was sent.

effectiveDate string

The effective date of the proposed policy term.

expirationDate string

The expiration date of the proposed policy term.

agencyName string

The name of the broker processing the submission.

agencyAddress1 string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The street address of the agency.

agencyAddress2 string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The secondary address information of the agency.

agencyCity string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The city of the agency.

agencyState string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The state of the agency.

agencyPostalCode string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The postal code of the agency.

agencyCountry string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The country of the agency.

insuredAddress1 string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The street address of the insured.

insuredAddress2 string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The secondary address of the insured.

insuredCity string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The city of the insured.

insuredState string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The state of the insured.

insuredPostalCode string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The postal code of the insured.

insuredCountry string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The country of the insured.

countryOfOrigin string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The country in which the policyholder is resident, or where it has its main operating address if it is a corporate body (whether insured or reinsured). This is not always the same as the location of risk.

countryOfOriginISO3 string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The country of origin 3-digit ISO code.

insuredCountryISO3 string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

3-digit ISO code derived from insured address

uniqueMarketReference string

A reference assigned to the binding authority by the Lloyd’s market.

agencyContactEmail string

The email of the agency.

underwriterName string

The name of the underwriter.

underwriterEmail string

The email of the underwriter.

coverageTypes array

The lines of business for which coverage is being requested.


A normalized line of business presented in claims and exposures within this submission.

needByDate string

The date by which a quote is required.

fein string

The FEIN number of the insured.

naics string

The NAICS number of the insured.

sic string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

The SIC number of the insured.

policyTermMonths number

The number of months of policy coverage being requested.

dunsNumber number

A universal nine digit number assigned to registered businesses with Dun and Bradstreet.

segment string

The business segment code.

yearOfAccount string

The year of account, represented by the year the policy coverage starts.

brokerPortal string

The web address for the broker portal for processing policy requests.

requirementName string

A sanitized derivation of insuredName, removing special characters and legal status. Typically used to validate the insured during the clearance process.

requestedlineOfBusiness array

The lines of business for which coverage is being requested.


A normalized line of business presented in claims and exposures within this submission

requestId string

The ID of the request, which can be referenced with the Groundspeed team to help assist with any questions or debugging.

submissionAttachments array

Data about a given attachment

fileName string

The name of the attached file.

fileExtension string

The extension of the file that describes the format of the document

docType string

The underlying insurance document type within a file.

wcSummary array

policyYear integer

The year that the policy starts, extracted from Effective Date.

locationState string 
This field is sourced from a 3rd party provider only available in our Premium subscription tier.

State of exposure.

classCode string

Class Code.

totalPayroll float

Sum of total payroll records for a given class code. This field only appears in the extract if populated with a value.

estimatedPayroll float

Sum of estimatedPayroll records for a given class code. This field only appears in the extract if populated with a value.

auditedPayroll float

Sum of auditedPayroll records for a given class code. This field only appears in the extract if populated with a value.

totalEmployeeCount integer

Total count of employees for a given class code.

emodTopLevel array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

clientName string

Full name of the client.

riskID string

Risk ID.

productionDate string

Production date.

ratingEffectiveDate string

Rating Effective Date.

weightFactor float

Weight Factor.

expectedExcessLosses float

Expected Excess Losses.

expectedLosses float

Expected Losses.

expectedPrimaryLosses float

Expected Primary Losses.

actualExcessLosses float

Actual Excess Losses.

ballast float


actualIncurredLosses float

Actual Incurred Losses.

actualPrimaryLosses float

Actual Primary Losses

actualStabilizingValue float

Actual Stabilizing Value.

actualRatableExcess float

Actual Ratable Excess.

actualTotals float

Actual Totals.

expectedStabilizingValue float

Expected Stabilizing Value.

expectedRatableExcess float

Expected Ratable Excess.

expectedTotals float

Expected Totals.

ARAPFactor float

ARAP Factor.

FLARAPFactor float

FLARAP Factor.

SARAPFactor float

SARAP Factor.

MAARAPFactor float

MAARAP Factor.

experienceModifier float

Experience Modifier.

emodStateSummary array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

clientName string

Full name of the client.

riskID string

Risk ID.

productionDate string

Production date.

ratingEffectiveDate string

Rating Effective Date.

weightFactor float

Weight Factor.

expectedExcessLosses float

Expected Excess Losses.

expectedLosses float

Expected Losses.

expectedPrimaryLosses float

Expected Primary Losses.

actualExcessLosses float

Actual Excess Losses.

ballast float


actualIncurredLosses float

Actual Incurred Losses.

actualPrimaryLosses float

Actual Primary Losses

actualStabilizingValue float

Actual Stabilizing Value.

actualRatableExcess float

Actual Ratable Excess.

actualTotals float

Actual Totals.

expectedStabilizingValue float

Expected Stabilizing Value.

expectedRatableExcess float

Expected Ratable Excess.

expectedTotals float

Expected Totals.

ARAPFactor float

ARAP Factor.

FLARAPFactor float

FLARAP Factor.

SARAPFactor float

SARAP Factor.

MAARAPFactor float

MAARAP Factor.

experienceModifier float

Experience Modifier.

summaryState string

Summary State.

stateWeightFactor float

State Weight Factor.

stateExpectedExcessLosses float

State Expected Excess Losses.

stateExpectedLosses float

State Expected Losses.

stateExpectedPrimaryLosses float

State Expected Primary Losses.

stateActualExcessLosses float

State Actual Excess Losses.

stateBallast float

State Ballast.

stateActualIncurredLosses float

State Actual Incurred Losses

stateActualPrimaryLosses float

State Actual Primary Losses.

emodPolicyExposureDetails array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

clientName string

Full name of the client.

riskID string

Risk ID.

productionDate string

Production date.

ratingEffectiveDate string

Rating Effective Date.

weightFactor float

Weight Factor.

expectedExcessLosses float

Expected Excess Losses.

expectedLosses float

Expected Losses.

expectedPrimaryLosses float

Expected Primary Losses.

actualExcessLosses float

Actual Excess Losses.

ballast float


actualIncurredLosses float

Actual Incurred Losses.

actualPrimaryLosses float

Actual Primary Losses

actualStabilizingValue float

Actual Stabilizing Value.

actualRatableExcess float

Actual Ratable Excess.

actualTotals float

Actual Totals.

expectedStabilizingValue float

Expected Stabilizing Value.

expectedRatableExcess float

Expected Ratable Excess.

expectedTotals float

Expected Totals.

ARAPFactor float

ARAP Factor.

FLARAPFactor float

FLARAP Factor.

SARAPFactor float

SARAP Factor.

MAARAPFactor float

MAARAP Factor.

experienceModifier float

Experience Modifier.

state string


firmId string

Firm ID.

firmName string

Firm Name.

carrier string

Carrier number.

policyNumber string

Policy Number.

effectiveDate string

Effective Date.

expirationDate string

Expiration Date.

policyTotalPayroll float

Policy Level Total Payroll.

subjectPremium float

Subject Premium.

totalActualIncurredLosses float

Total Actual Incurred Losses.

classCode string

Class Code.

expectedLossRate float

Expected Loss Rate.

dRatio float


exposureExpectedLosses float

Exposure Expected Losses.

exposureExpectedPrimaryLosses float

Exposure Expected Primary Losses.

classCodePayroll float

Class code level payroll.

recordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

emodPolicyClaimDetails array

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

clientName string

Full name of the client.

riskID string

Risk ID.

productionDate string

Production date.

ratingEffectiveDate string

Rating Effective Date.

weightFactor float

Weight Factor.

expectedExcessLosses float

Expected Excess Losses.

expectedLosses float

Expected Losses.

expectedPrimaryLosses float

Expected Primary Losses.

actualExcessLosses float

Actual Excess Losses.

ballast float


actualIncurredLosses float

Actual Incurred Losses.

actualPrimaryLosses float

Actual Primary Losses

actualStabilizingValue float

Actual Stabilizing Value.

actualRatableExcess float

Actual Ratable Excess.

actualTotals float

Actual Totals.

expectedStabilizingValue float

Expected Stabilizing Value.

expectedRatableExcess float

Expected Ratable Excess.

expectedTotals float

Expected Totals.

ARAPFactor float

ARAP Factor.

FLARAPFactor float

FLARAP Factor.

SARAPFactor float

SARAP Factor.

MAARAPFactor float

MAARAP Factor.

experienceModifier float

Experience Modifier.

state string


firmId string

Firm ID.

firmName string

Firm Name.

carrier string

Carrier number.

policyNumber string

Policy Number.

effectiveDate string

Effective Date.

expirationDate string

Expiration Date.

policyTotalPayroll float

Policy Level Total Payroll.

subjectPremium float

Subject Premium.

totalActualIncurredLosses float

Total Actual Incurred Losses.

claimNumber string

The unique identifier the insurance company uses to reference the claim. Groundspeed cleans the value in the document to remove non-alphanumeric characters.

injuryType string

The nature/type of injury sustained in a workers compensation loss, can be extracted from loss description.

status string

The status of the claim. Generally open or closed.

claimActualIncurredLosses float

Claim Actual Incurred Losses.

claimActualPrimaryLosses float

Claim Actual Primary Losses.

recordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

additionalInterests array (optional)

fileID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the file with the associated data.

recordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

additionalInterestName string

The name of the additional insured.

additionalInterestAddress string

The address of the additional insured.

additionalInterestCd string

The additional interest checkbox selected.

lawyersSchedule array (optional)

lawyerName string

Lawyer Name.

lawyerYearAdmittedToBar int

Lawyer Year Admitted To Bar.

lawyerYearsExperienceInPractice int

Lawyer Years Experience In Practice.

lawyerYearJoinedFirmRaw string

Lawyer Year Joined Firm, present on source document.

lawyerYearJoinedFirm int

Lawyer Year Joined Firm.

lawyerYearsInFirmRaw string

Lawyer Years In Firm, present on source document.

lawyerYearsInFirm int

Lawyer Years In Firm.

retroactiveDate date

Retroactive Date.

billingHoursPerWeekRaw string

Billing Hours Per Week, present on source document.

billingHoursPerWeek int

Billing Hours Per Week.

billingHoursPerMonthRaw string

Billing Hours Per Month, present on source document.

billingHoursPerMonth int

Billing Hours Per Month.

billingHoursPerYearRaw string

Billing Hours Per Year, present on source document.

billingHoursPerYear int

Billing Hours Per Year.

recordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

areasOfPractice array (optional)


Area Of Practice Name, present on source document.


Area Of Practice Name.


Area Of Practice Percent.

recordID string

The Groundspeed reference ID for the given record pulled from the source document.

fileID string

Unique identifier for the file within Groundspeed’s platform.

fileName string

The name of the original source file.

Sample Data

[ { "coverSheet": [ { "accountName": "9043V7139-GS GLASS COMPANY, LTD", "sourceFileName": "WC_2018-2023_GS, Inc.xlsx", "sourceFileID": "i9pv9xLuGagoi2Vjn", "documentFileName": "WC_2018-2023_GS, Inc.xlsx", "documentFileID": "i9pv9xLuGagoi2Vjn", "docType": "Other", "status": "Failed", "flagReason": "parent_file" } ], "coverages": [ { "recordId": "84e92be1-6be9-4046-9727-318a08bbb7da", "fileId": "fWAYuhyyp8RgcAuEe", "sourceFileName": "Acme_Exposures.csv", "policyNumber": null, "effectiveDate": "01/01/2022", "expirationDate": "01/01/2023", "retroactiveDate": null, "issueDate": "12/12/2021", "premium": "150,000.00", "coverageTrigger": "OCCURRENCE", "coverageType": "Package", "subcoverageType": "Workers Compensation", "subcoverageDetail": null, "includedStates": "CA", "excludedStates": "NV", "aggregateLimit": null, "occurrenceLimit": 2000000, "percentLimit": null, "deductible": 50000, "sirAggregate": null, "sirOccurrence": null, "timeElement": null, "waitingPeriod": null, "minimumDeductible": 10000, "percentDeductible": null } ], "lossDetail": [ { "accountName": "Acme_Inc_123435", "lineOfBusinessRaw": null, "lineOfBusiness": "General Liability", "isLineOfBusinessPredicted": true, "lineType": "General Liability", "isLineTypePredicted": true, "subcoverage": "premises", "policyYear": 2020, "effectiveDate": "02/16/2020", "expirationDate": "02/16/2021", "carrier": "ABC INS GRP", "carrierNaicCompanyNameCalculated": "ABC PROP CAS CO OF AMER", "carrierNaicCompanyCodeCalculated": "12345", "carrierNaicGroupCodeCalculated": "1234", "carrierNaicGroupNameCalculated": "ABC GRP", "insuredName": "SCENIC CITY STAFFING & RESUME", "businessEntity": "LLC", "policyNumber": "WC20208105600", "valuationDate": "02/09/2022", "claimNumber": "NL0026052", "dateOfLoss": "07/14/2020", "dateReported": null, "lossCountryCalculated": "USA", "status": "closed", "litigationStatusRaw": "Litigated", "closeDate": null, "claimantName": "foster joseph", "claimantAgeCalculated": "26", "employmentLengthCalculated": "1 year 2 months", "isCovidClaim": null, "lossType": null, "natureOfInjury": null, "natureOfInjuryRaw": null, "bodyPart": "FINGER(S)", "bodyPartRaw": "FINGER(S)", "cause": null, "causeRaw": null, "catalyst": "FIRE", "catalystRaw": "FIRE", "occupation": "MAINTENANCE", "occupationRaw": "MAINTENANCE", "atFault": null, "lossState": null, "riskState": null, "benefitState": null, "lossLocation": null, "lossDescription": "Moving material with crane. 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